Break Free From Anxiety and Fear

“I’m in the grip of intense fear and anxiety” In today’s teachings from Eckhart he discusses the nature of anxiety and fear and what we can do to identify and…

Occult Forces Can Affect You If You Wear Thumb Rings | Sadhguru

Occult Forces Can Affect You If You Wear Thumb Rings | Sadhguru

The Path of a Personal Spiritual Practice Includes Becoming Like a ‘Virtuoso’ in Meditation The Path of a personal Spiritual Practice includes becoming like a ‘virtuoso’ in meditation. The goal…

The Balance of Being and Doing | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

The Balance of Being and Doing | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

44 Examples of the Awareness of Albert Einstein Albert Einstein, a German-born theoretical physicist, is remembered as one of the greatest physicists of all time. Einstein created the theory of…

The Dopamine and Manifestation Problem (and how to fix it)

The Dopamine and Manifestation Problem (and how to fix it)

How To Rise Above Discouragement God’s Way Many, many, people don’t know what to do about discouragement? The answer is this! Many people do not seek God, follow Him, honor…